2011年7月9日 星期六

7/16(六) 夜潛活動 Night Dive & 8/3~8/6 蘭嶼潛水尚有名額 Diving trip at Orchid Island

下周 7/16(六)將安排夜潛活動,參觀人工軟絲產房,請欲參加者於 7/15(五)中午12:00前直接回覆教練 (jushi@ibms.sinica.edu.tw),謝謝。
中研院大門口前:11:00 AM
潛水客棧:12:00 PM

P.S. 八月份蘭嶼潛水尚有名額,意者速洽羅教練,謝謝。

Dear all,
Next week's night diving activity (visiting artificial delivery room of Bigfin reef squid) will be on July 16 (Sat.). If you'd like to join, please reply to Mr. Lo (jushi@ibms.sinica.edu.tw) directly before this Friday (July 15) noon. Thank you.
11:00 AM in front of Academia Sinica's entrance
12:00 PM at Northeast Coast Diving Inn (http://diver228.divers.com.tw/)

P.S. Diving trip at Orchid Island in Aug. If you'd like to join, please contact with Mr. Lo immediately. Thank you.

秉恆 (Ping-Heng)
ISS, Academia Sinica

