2012年6月4日 星期一

News!! 6/30(Sat.) 基隆嶼船潛(Keelung Islet, boat diving)

6/30(六) 基隆嶼船潛
報名資格:持有AOW(Advanced open water)或更高階證照的成員 
費用:2500 NT (含氣瓶*2、導潛、船資.....) 
集合時間地點:中研院大門口前 7:00 AM


Dear all,
6/30(Sat.) Keelung Islet, boat diving. You must have AOW(Advanced open water) or higher. The cost is 2500 NT including everything(such as air cylinder*2, diving guide...). The limit on the number of people is 20. If you'd like to join, please reply to Mr. Lo (jushi@ibms.sinica.edu.tw) before June 16(Sat.). Thank you. Venue: 7:00 AM in front of Academia Sinica's entrance.

秉恆 (Ping-Heng) ISS,
Academia Sinica

