6:30 中研院正門對面
7:20 潛水客棧
Hi all,
We will hold the diving activity on 7/2(Wed.) to visit Neritic Squid delivery room, if you want to join us, Please register before 7/1(Tue.) 6:00 PM.Thank you!
6:30 AM in front of Academia Sinica's entrance
7:20 AM at Northeast Coast Diving Inn
敬祝 潛安
Academia Sinica Diving Club
中研潛水 A.S. Diving
聽見大海的呼喚嗎? 想要自由自在的徜徉在水中嗎?那就別再猶豫了!成為一個合格的水肺潛水員,開始體驗海底世界帶給你獨一無二的剌激、冒險與樂趣,加入我們吧!
Want to take you diving in the underwater? Well look no further! Become a Scuba Diver today and start experiencing the exciting adventures the world of diving has to offer. Just go for it! Click here to see how to join us.
2014年7月1日 星期二
2012年6月18日 星期一
6/23(Sat.) & 6/24(Sun.) 潛水活動 Diving Activity!!!
6/23(六)和 6/24(日) 皆安排潛水活動,請把握機會,周末要好天氣不容易啊!欲參加者請6/22(五)前向羅教練報名(jushi@ibms.sinica.edu.tw)!
中研院大門口前:7:00 AM
潛水客棧:8:00 PM
Dear all,
The diving activity will be on 6/23(Sat.) & 6/24(Sun.). If you'd like to join, please reply to Mr. Lo (jushi@ibms.sinica.edu.tw) directly before 6/22(Fri.). Thank you.
7:00 AM in front of Academia Sinica's entrance
8:00 PM at Northeast Coast Diving Inn (http://diver228.divers.com.tw/)
秉恆 (Ping-Heng)
ISS, Academia Sinica
6/23(六)和 6/24(日) 皆安排潛水活動,請把握機會,周末要好天氣不容易啊!欲參加者請6/22(五)前向羅教練報名(jushi@ibms.sinica.edu.tw)!
中研院大門口前:7:00 AM
潛水客棧:8:00 PM
Dear all,
The diving activity will be on 6/23(Sat.) & 6/24(Sun.). If you'd like to join, please reply to Mr. Lo (jushi@ibms.sinica.edu.tw) directly before 6/22(Fri.). Thank you.
7:00 AM in front of Academia Sinica's entrance
8:00 PM at Northeast Coast Diving Inn (http://diver228.divers.com.tw/)
秉恆 (Ping-Heng)
ISS, Academia Sinica
2012年6月4日 星期一
News!! 6/30(Sat.) 基隆嶼船潛(Keelung Islet, boat diving)
6/30(六) 基隆嶼船潛
報名資格:持有AOW(Advanced open water)或更高階證照的成員
費用:2500 NT (含氣瓶*2、導潛、船資.....)
集合時間地點:中研院大門口前 7:00 AM
Dear all,
6/30(Sat.) Keelung Islet, boat diving. You must have AOW(Advanced open water) or higher. The cost is 2500 NT including everything(such as air cylinder*2, diving guide...). The limit on the number of people is 20. If you'd like to join, please reply to Mr. Lo (jushi@ibms.sinica.edu.tw) before June 16(Sat.). Thank you. Venue: 7:00 AM in front of Academia Sinica's entrance.
秉恆 (Ping-Heng) ISS,
Academia Sinica
報名資格:持有AOW(Advanced open water)或更高階證照的成員
費用:2500 NT (含氣瓶*2、導潛、船資.....)
集合時間地點:中研院大門口前 7:00 AM
Dear all,
6/30(Sat.) Keelung Islet, boat diving. You must have AOW(Advanced open water) or higher. The cost is 2500 NT including everything(such as air cylinder*2, diving guide...). The limit on the number of people is 20. If you'd like to join, please reply to Mr. Lo (jushi@ibms.sinica.edu.tw) before June 16(Sat.). Thank you. Venue: 7:00 AM in front of Academia Sinica's entrance.
秉恆 (Ping-Heng) ISS,
Academia Sinica
2012年4月2日 星期一
4/7(Sat.) 安排高氧課程 Enriched Air Nitrox course! & 4/8(Sun.) 東北角潛水 Diving Activity!
下周 4/7(六)安排高氧課程,費用6,000NT,請欲參加者於 4/6(五)中午前mail給羅教練(jushi@ibms.sinica.edu.tw),謝謝。
生醫所門口前:7:50 AM
下周 4/8(日)安排潛水活動,本年第一潛(有上高氧者有機會使用高氧氣瓶),請欲參加者於 4/6(五)中午前mail給羅教練,謝謝。
中研院大門口前:7:00 AM
潛水客棧:8:00 AM
Dear all,
The Enriched Air Nitrox course will be on Apr. 7 (Sat.). It costs 6,000 NT. If you'd like to join, please mail to Mr. Lo (jushi@ibms.sinica.edu.tw) directly before next Fri. (Apr. 6) noon. Thank you.
7:50 AM Institute of Biomedical Sciences(IBMS)
Next week's diving activity will be on Apr. 8 (Sun.). If you'd like to join, please mail to Mr. Lo directly before this Fri. (Apr. 6) noon. Thank you.
7:00 AM in front of Academia Sinica's entrance
8:00 AM at Northeast Coast Diving Inn (http://diver228.divers.com.tw/)
秉恆 (Ping-Heng)
ISS, Academia Sinica
下周 4/7(六)安排高氧課程,費用6,000NT,請欲參加者於 4/6(五)中午前mail給羅教練(jushi@ibms.sinica.edu.tw),謝謝。
生醫所門口前:7:50 AM
下周 4/8(日)安排潛水活動,本年第一潛(有上高氧者有機會使用高氧氣瓶),請欲參加者於 4/6(五)中午前mail給羅教練,謝謝。
中研院大門口前:7:00 AM
潛水客棧:8:00 AM
Dear all,
The Enriched Air Nitrox course will be on Apr. 7 (Sat.). It costs 6,000 NT. If you'd like to join, please mail to Mr. Lo (jushi@ibms.sinica.edu.tw) directly before next Fri. (Apr. 6) noon. Thank you.
7:50 AM Institute of Biomedical Sciences(IBMS)
Next week's diving activity will be on Apr. 8 (Sun.). If you'd like to join, please mail to Mr. Lo directly before this Fri. (Apr. 6) noon. Thank you.
7:00 AM in front of Academia Sinica's entrance
8:00 AM at Northeast Coast Diving Inn (http://diver228.divers.com.tw/)
秉恆 (Ping-Heng)
ISS, Academia Sinica
2011年11月9日 星期三
2011年11月4日 星期五
2012年度的各大活動皆刊登於 2012潛水活動
Dear all,
Diving activities in 2012
If you'd like to join, please mail to Mr. Lo. Thank you.
秉恆 (Ping-Heng)
ISS, Academia Sinica
2012年度的各大活動皆刊登於 2012潛水活動
Dear all,
Diving activities in 2012
If you'd like to join, please mail to Mr. Lo. Thank you.
秉恆 (Ping-Heng)
ISS, Academia Sinica
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